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Anxiety Depression Panic Attacks Bundle

Anxiety Depression Panic Attacks Bundle

$149,00 Prix original
$99,00Prix promotionnel

For many, today’s fast paced world tends to cause undesirable amounts of stress and other serious ailments. As a result, many people are making it a priority to slow down and focus on their health and wellness, including their mental health. As we learn more details about medications for mental health issues - and their side effects - more and more people are wanting to implement habits that support wellbeing without medications.


With so much cutting edge research and attention on natural remedies for issues like anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, your audience is looking for ways they can strengthen their mental health on their own.


It's no wonder that internet searches for preventing and managing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks are on the rise and it is expected to continue on that upward trend. If you're a coach, author, blogger, trainer, or consultant you probably already know this.


You also know how valuable it is to be seen as an expert in the natural wellness arena. You can do so easily with this Anxiety, Depression & Panic Attacks Bundle. In this ready-to-use bundle you'll get a great selection of quality content that you can use as your own!


Who Can Make Use Of This Amazing Bundle?


  • Coaches who want to help clients learn to use natural remedies
  • Authors who write about health and wellness can use this content to develop a course or book about anxiety, depression or panic attacks.
  • Bloggers focused on natural health will love this bundle because it is diverse content that will interest readers and bring them back for more.
  • Speakers and Trainers can use lessons from this content to show paths to stronger mental wellbeing.
  • Counselors and Therapists can work with their patients to explain challenges caused by anxiety and depression and offer solutions that can alleviate symptoms naturally.



  • Detailed Summary Of My Investment

    What is included with your investment? What would it really cost you in terms of the time and money to hire someone to create all of the products in this bundle?



    4 Action Guides, Coaching Handouts & Lead Magnets

    These coaching handouts make for great appetizers, giveaways, or printables that you can offer to clients in your waiting room, in your emails, or on your site. They're short yet actionable, and professionally designed so you look great and stand out.


    1 EBook

    This content is ready for you to brand, sell, or giveaway as your own. You can also transform the eBooks into webinars, videos, or coaching programs that you can sell as your own.


    2 Checklists

    Checklists are a fantastic add-on to your courses and products. Since they are short and skimmable, it's a great way to connect with your busy clients and reinforce the core lessons. You can also give these away as an appetizer or add it to your membership site.


    12 Worksheets

    These brandable coaching resources are a great way to get your audience to self-reflect and compose their thoughts. These worksheets are an excellent companion to your reports, courses, coaching sessions, and training programs since it helps to reinforce your core message. Give them away, add it to your members area, print them, or add it as a bonus to your products and offers.



    48 Articles & Blog Posts

    These coaching articles are perfect for your email newsletters, magazines, blog posts, or even posting on LinkedIn. Take it a step further by combining several articles into a report that you giveaway or sell as your own. You can even compile a couple dozen articles to create a solid foundation for your next coaching course.


    22 Affirmation Reflections

    Help your clients find peace, joy, and happiness using the power of positive thoughts and words. These affirmations are perfect to post on social media, newsletters, and emails... but you can also record these reflections on your podcasts and videos or as a meditative audio program.


    3 Assessments & Quizzes

    Self-assessments are a great way to engage your audience and get them thinking about where they're at and where they want to be. Give these away as a freebie to draw people in, offer it as a bonus in your paid products, or give it as homework at the end of your coaching sessions.


    6 Fact Sheets

    These coaching handouts are a great way to introduce the key highlights of a particular topic for your audience. Print them out and leave them in your waiting room, add these fact sheets to your email newsletters or monthly magazines, or post it on Facebook.











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